Индекс УДК 33
Дата публикации: 26.04.2017

The concept of management of the personnel of the bank

Концепция управления персоналом банка.

Tolmachev Alexey Vasilyevich, Ivanova Inna Grigorievna, Makhnyreva Olga Alexandrovna
1. Doctor of economic sciences, professor VAK
2. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Management and Marketing Department
3. Second-year student, Faculty of Economics
Kuban State Agrarian University (Russia, Krasnodar)
Abstract: At the heart of effective management is, first of all, the ability to work with people, therefore one of the most important components in the banking management system is the subsystem of personnel management. It's no secret that the quality of human resources, their contribution to the achievement of the bank's goals and the quality of all banking activities largely depends on how efficiently the work with personnel is put in place.
Keywords: personal management, operational subsystems, banking management.

As these structures were formed, a certain discrepancy between the setting of work with the personnel and the tasks facing the territorial institutions of the National Bank in the conditions of further reforming the entire financial and credit system was revealed.

The bank needs specialists who are professionally trained and able to ensure the implementation of modern banking technologies that are able to continuously improve their methods of work. In these conditions, it is necessary to develop strategic approaches to planning and forecasting the number of personnel, raising its qualification level and professional differentiation of personnel, implementing targeted selection of specialists, forming a unified accounting system for all types of remuneration in order to form a workable team.

It should be noted that the subject of personnel management is the most discussed in the domestic literature, since the relevance of this direction of improving intra-bank activity is confirmed both by the experience of foreign banks, which determine it as one of the five priority tasks of management, and the results of the completed stage of the formation of domestic banks, already The impact of insufficient attention to this problem. Different approaches to the definition of the problem of personnel management, the methods for solving it are noted.

N.Mausov in his publications, noting that in-house management is a set of principles, methods and means of managing the resources of an organization in order to achieve maximum efficiency and profitability, highlights the special characteristics of personnel as a resource. In general, according to the author, staff can not be regarded as a homogeneous substance, each employee has individual motives and values. Personnel management acts as a continuous process aimed at a targeted change in people’s motivation in order to maximize their impact, and, therefore, to achieve high final results. The author believes that the ultimate goal of working with staff is to maximize the expectations of the organization and the interests of the employee, while it is necessary to abandon the policy of minimum investment in human resources. The researcher proposes a conceptual model of personnel management based on these provisions.

The Swiss researcher A.Keller-Pfrunder, develops a theme of an individualization of economy of the personnel. The goals of the personnel economy, according to the author, with an orientation toward individualization, are to increase the effectiveness of the organization as a result of the liberation of the individual potential of people, which remained unclaimed because of the inclusion of the individual in solving only general, collective tasks. The author believes that the problem of management is to increase the effectiveness of labor incentives without additional costs by targeting the services provided to the real needs of employees. Increasing individual returns resulting from such policies should be expected from increased job satisfaction and staff readiness to perform their duties faithfully. According to the scientist, the economic and operational issues of personnel management should be based on both economic and behavioral prerequisites.

Speaking about management of personnel in the banking management system, it should be noted that in this context, the banking management of personnel differs from other types, which is based on the differences of the bank itself from other organizational institutions.

A.Alaverdov under personal management in the bank understands an integrated system of personnel management, focused on the solution of three strategic tasks: prompt and complete satisfaction of the bank’s needs in labor resources, necessary specialization and skill level; Formation and maintenance of conditions for the most effective execution by the personnel of the functions assigned to it; Ensuring the necessary level of interaction of the system with other areas and elements of banking management. The author believes that the personnel management system always consists of three interacting blocks: a management strategy, control subsystems, a unit for ensuring the functioning of the system as a whole. Under the strategy of personal management, the researcher understands a set of conceptual approaches to the implementation of common tasks in personnel management, and under the control subsystems are autonomously identified elements of an integrated management system aimed at ensuring the implementation of a specific clearly formulated task. Under the provision of personal management is understood as an independent element of its structure, not directed specifically at a particular process, but providing the very possibility of the operation of all operational subsystems.

According to A. Alaverdov, there is also the problem of planning in the system of personnel management in banking management.

The concept of personnel management should, in our opinion, be developed in accordance with the requirements that the subsystem of personnel management within an organization should meet.

The subsystem of personnel management is focused on the following:

  • optimization of the personnel structure on the basis of determining the scope of work of each workplace, department, management;
  • loading of established positions with an optimal set of functional responsibilities, taking into account the complexity and specificity of the labor process;
  • Qualitative selection, selection, placement of qualified personnel in accordance with the established structure of positions in the bank and taking into account the capabilities of each specialist, as well as creating conditions for their adaptation;
  • organization of the rational use of personnel based on the identification of potential employee opportunities, planning his career;
  • training and retraining of personnel, advanced training;
  • Improvement of the system of labor remuneration, other types of motivation of labor in accordance with the labor contribution of each.

This concept can contain the following principles:

  1. Optimization of the number of personnel at each site.
  2. Carrying out of selection of the personnel corresponding on qualification and individual possibilities to character of carried out work.
  3. Maximum mechanization of labor.
  4. Avoid duplication of functions.
  5. Saving working time.
  6. Creating the necessary social and living conditions.

Developing normative and methodological documents, it is necessary to formulate practical approaches to solving issues related to the formation of the personnel reserve, the bank of applicants, competitive nomination of specialists for key positions, selection for training, professional growth of specialists, motivation and evaluation of their work.

They allow you to systematize work with personnel, most fully provide units with employees who meet modern requirements for bank specialists, improve the technical equipment of workplaces and a culture of work.

When describing the manager’s workplace, the managerial load factors are included, such as the range of managerial impact, the responsibility for making a decision, the similarity of the functions performed, the scale of planning, the level of coordination. This, in turn, forms a list of requirements for the professional level of the applicant for leadership positions in a range of management qualities, namely: the ability to determine prospects, plan, the desire to lead, the presence of leadership as a character trait, the ability to organize people’s work, distribute and monitor the work of others, Ability to teach work, etc.

Each job category is prescribed performance of labor functions of its level of complexity. In practice, the duties of each category of specialist technological structures are formed and described in the context of the intellectual complexity of the work performed.

Библиографический список

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