Индекс УДК 33
Дата публикации: 29.07.2024

Comparative analysis of traditional marketing and digital marketing methods: efficiency costs and results

Сопоставительный анализ традиционных методов маркетинга и цифрового маркетинга: эффективность, затраты и результаты

Tolstobrova Lyudmila Innokentievna
Ershova Clara Alexandrovna
1. Senior lecturer, Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU)
2. Bachelor's student, Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU)

Толстоброва Людмила Иннокентьевна
Ершова Клара Александровна
1. Ст.преподаватель,
Новосибирского государственного технического университета (НГТУ)
2. Бакалавр, Новосибирский государственный технический университет (НГТУ)
Аннотация: Во времена развития маркетинговой деятельности важным вопрос остается подбор актуальной системы маркетинга. Информационное общество задает свои стандарты, но означает ли это, то что глобальное преимущество цифрового маркетинга над традиционном в процессе управления рекламным продуктом. Главной идеей статьи является сравнение преимуществ и недостатков направлений маркетинга, а также ознакомление с разными подходами продвижения товаров и услуг. Это может быть полезным для маркетологов, которые планируют разработку комплексной стратегии маркетинга, учитывающей как традиционные, так и цифровые методы.

Abstract: During the development of marketing activities, the selection of an up-to-date marketing system remains an important issue. The information society sets its own standards, but does this mean a global advantage of digital marketing over traditional marketing in the process of managing an advertising product? The main idea of the article is to compare the advantages and disadvantages of marketing directions, as well as to familiarize with different approaches to promoting goods and services. This can be useful for marketers who are planning to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that takes into account both traditional and digital methods.
Ключевые слова: маркетинга, реклама, традиционный маркетинг, цифровой маркетинг, методы маркетинга, прибыль, онлайн-маркетинг, комплекс маркетинга, стратегии маркетинга, подходы к продвижению, товары и услуги.

Keywords: marketing, advertising, traditional marketing, digital marketing, marketing methods, profit, online marketing, marketing mix, marketing strategies, approaches to promotion, goods and services.


In today’s world, where digital technologies are becoming more comprehensive, digital marketing is becoming an integral part of advertising strategies and promotion of products and services. It offers organizations and entrepreneurs new opportunities to attract customers, increase sales and improve their image. However, traditional marketing methods, which have been used for decades, are still in demand and are proving their effectiveness. In this regard, it is increasingly necessary to conduct a comparative analysis of these two approaches in order to determine their effectiveness, costs and results.

A comparative analysis of traditional marketing methods and digital marketing is relevant for organizations that seek to identify the most effective and cost-effective approaches to promoting their products or services. In this article, we will look at the pros and cons of both methods, as well as their costs and results.

Digital marketing has usually a larger audience reach compared to traditional methods, due to the widespread use of the Internet and social media. At the same time, the results of digital marketing can be more accurate and transparent, since information about conversions, sales and customer interaction can be obtained in real time.

However, it should be noted that using traditional marketing methods may still have its advantages. Some companies may not need a wide audience and they can achieve success using methods that match them. In addition, some consumers still respond better to traditional advertising, such as direct mail or television ads.

Analyzing traditional marketing methods and digital marketing is an important step to determine the most effective approaches to promote products and services. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them depends on the goals of the organization, budget and target audience.


Not so long ago, when discussing the creation of their own business and budget allocation, many people would not even have remembered the existence of marketing and the allocation of funds for its development. If you think about it, with limited funds available to build a business, the logical solution would be to provide it with the main departments and personnel, without which the company will not be able to function as a whole. Important departments are production (if we are talking about sales), accounting, procurement and other functional units that depend on the field of activity. However, what happens if the product or service being sold does not find its customer? Is it worth organizing other processes if no one finds out about what we offer?

That is why in modern business, where competition is becoming increasingly fierce; there is an increased interest in marketing. We live in an era of information saturation, and without an effective strategy, our product or service risks getting lost among many similar offers. Now it is no longer enough just to offer a good product or a high-quality service — you need to be able to promote them correctly.

Marketing is a process of planning and implementing the general concept of pricing policies, distribution of ideas, goods and services, aimed at promoting the results of the company’s activities. Actually, promotion implies an increase in the number of sales, capturing a larger market share and the number of audiences, and increasing revenue.

Before we proceed to further study the nature of marketing, I would like to note that it is not the only area whose benefits have long been disputed. There are other departments in enterprises that have similar tasks, for example, management accounting. Management accounting is understood as a system for collecting, analyzing and providing information for making managerial decisions within an organization. It includes planning, monitoring, analyzing results and making decisions based on accounting information to improve the effectiveness and achieve the goals of the organization.

Along with marketing, management accounting has not been widely accepted for a long time because its value has not been sufficiently understood or recognized. Many organizations were focused on financial accounting, which focused on reporting and taxation, which gave rise to the idea that management accounting was not as important. However, with the development of business and increased competition, it became obvious that such a system is critical for decision-making and business process planning.

It is important to understand the difference, since the management analysis of an enterprise is also aimed at increasing profits, but its main purpose is to analyze and predict the activities of the organization and its results. We will consider the work of marketing and its impact later, but comparing it with management accounting now, it can be noted that it has less influence on the internal work of the enterprise itself and is more noticeable to potential consumers. Management accounting, in turn, works with the internal organization of the enterprise, budget optimization and financial resource management. Therefore, the results of such work may not be visible to the external consumer of goods or services, but will have a great impact on the internal work of the enterprise. For example, in order to adjust the company’s more stable financial condition, experts predict that when replacing the current material for production with a cheaper one, costs may significantly decrease. So, in the enterprise there is a change of supplier, material, production technology, training of workers in material processing, an increase in the number of employees is possible, since the new material is more capricious and requires more processing time. Marketing more sets itself the task of working with the market for the sake of making an exchange, in order to meet demand and simultaneously obtain a given (desired) profit. We can say that the goal is «to make the consumer feel good so that the enterprise feels good.»

Returning to our topic, let’s talk about the basic principles and models of marketing. Since advertising promotion still does not have a stable position in the business environment, generally recognized aspects are usually absent. Despite this, there are principles that are conventionally accepted as the basic model of rules that are the foundation for developing an effective strategy.

The key principles include:

  1. Focus on the customer. The company must realize that their success directly depends on the consumer, because it is he who decides to buy or not, recommend or leave a negative review. The essence of this principle is to get an understanding of what my client wants and how to satisfy his desires. Companies must research and analyze the market in order to accurately identify the needs of their target audience and offer them products and services that meet their expectations. Of course, everyone has different desires and ideas about the ideal, so you may face difficulty in choosing the consumer we will focus on. To eliminate this problem, there is the following principle.
  2. Market segmentation. No need to try to take everything at once! It is important to clearly define the boundaries of the market in order to identify the target consumer. What age segment is the product aimed at? Is gender important? Should this person study or work? The principle is aimed at dividing the market into separate groups in order to more accurately identify the target audience and adapt marketing strategies for each segment.
  3. Positioning. The purpose of the principle is to create a strategy capable of presenting the product and the company in the best light and catching the attention of the consumer. It is necessary to determine how we want to be perceived by the audience, what to associate with and what to bring to the masses. It can be a vivid image that will attract the client’s gaze, may have a socially significant character and endear the client to himself due to like-minded views.
  4. Analysis of the results. To evaluate the effectiveness of marketing efforts, it is necessary to analyze and measure the results. This allows you to determine which marketing strategies are working and which need to be adjusted. The advantage in this case is that the result can often be evaluated after a short period of time (there is no need to evaluate quarterly or annually, such as financial accounting), which allows you to quickly change the advertising plan in case of its inefficiency.

All these marketing principles are important for successful business development. They help companies understand better their customers, create a unique offer and bring it to potential customers. The correct application of these principles can lead to increased sales, strengthening the brand and achieving success in the market. Also, achieving great results is influenced by the marketing mix, which helps companies determine the best way to promote their products and services.

Now we will look at several complexes that are a set of important business elements that the company should focus on and analyze. It is worth noting that the complex is selected relative to the field of activity and can be modified to meet the personal needs of the enterprise.

Let’s start with the «4P» complex, which is the first invented element structure and will serve as the basis for many other models.

  • The first component of the complex is the Product, assumes the result of the company’s activities and speaks about focusing on the features and characteristics of the proposed product. In our opinion, this element is the most difficult. Try to come up with a new product that is radically different from the one available on the market, most likely it will be a difficult task. That is why the team can spend months, and sometimes years, searching and thinking about «the one».
  • The next component is the Price, which should be formed as accurately as possible relative to cost factors, market position, organization policy, and competitive prices. The task may seem simple — to put such a price to pay off. But what if our price turns out to be twice the price of our competitors? It is unlikely anyone to use a product of a little-known brand, even if it is more expensive.
  • Distribution (Place) is the component responsible for distributing product channels, how your product gets to the end consumer. Only company should think about this, the client does not want to look for difficult ways to get a product that is slightly different from a similar competitor’s product in the nearest store, as proven by marketing research. In some cases, limited access to products may be a feature of the company, but has inherent only luxury brands that have already proven themselves in the market. For example, you will not be able to buy a chic Birkin bag at the nearest mall, in order to get it you will have to place an order and wait in a long queue, and this is provided the fashion house approves your order.
  • The final component of the complex is Promotion, which describes all marketing communications and methods used to attract the attention and interest of customers. This element should interest us the most, because in the article we will consider two key methods of promotion.

For example, here are two complexes that are built on the basis of the classical (4P). The reason for correcting the elements of the previous model was that organizations found new components that were missed and, therefore, affected the slowdown in product and brand promotion.

  • The 5P complex expands the classic 4P model by adding a new component to the existing ones — People. This concept is suitable for the field of production, where the company has contact with the end user, but to a greater extent describes the organizations of the service sector. Let’s visualize the situation to understand the importance of this element: you are a visitor to a barbershop and came for a haircut, you are met by a master who speaks indistinctly, looks at the floor, and reacts aggressively and rudely to your requests and questions. Will you return to this salon and advise others? That is why it is especially important for the field of service sales to pay special attention to recruitment, high-quality interviews, and training.
  • The next 6P complex includes all of the above elements and adds Processes to their number. This element includes a description of all the processes carried out by the company during the production and provision of its products or services.

Different from the previously presented models is the 4C, which is a more customer–oriented alternative to the 4P. It focuses on the needs and desires of customers and includes the following components: customer need, cost to the customer, convenience and communication.

Customer Needs: increased competition in the market has led to the fact that a business can no longer afford to evaluate only its capabilities and not take into account the desires of the audience. The company must understand the needs and desires of its target audience and develop a product or service that meets these needs. This element will be the most important for the model, since the rest of the construction depends on it, it is important to clearly analyze your consumer.

Cost to Customer: There is a similar element in the 4P package, the difference is that here we consider not only the cost of the product as such, but also the costs that may be associated with the purchase of our product or service. What will be the cost of repair in case of product failure and whether it will be acceptable to the client, what related expenses the client may have in order to use our service. For example, in order to use the cosmetologist’s service, the client must initially take tests for a certain group of vitamins and indicators. The cost of the service we sell should be compared with how much the client will spend on tests to visit our cosmetology clinic.

Convenience: The company must ensure the convenience of using its product or service by offering convenient ways of purchase, delivery and service. At this stage, it is important to consider the following issues:

Where is it convenient for the customer to buy a product or use a service?

How is it more convenient for him to do this?

Which sites have a target audience?

At what stage of the purchase can the customer face difficulties?

Does the customer need help with the purchase or will he manage on his own?

Communication: It is important to establish open and transparent communication with customers, provide them with useful information and be ready to answer their questions and feedback.

We have considered the main complexes, which are otherwise called marketing mixes, which are a kind of marketing activity plans. I focus on these elements; the company will not miss important factors for decision-making and will be able to present its product in the best possible way.

And how will the company tell you about its product? We have identified the target audience, its needs, worked on the quality of the product/service, what should we do next?

Now the company uses one of the directions of marketing promotion in order to share the result of work with the end user. There are two main directions – traditional and digital marketing, although now there is a constant development and updating, the emergence of new techniques. Both approaches have their own unique methods and tools used to achieve different goals and impact the audience.

Due to the fact that there is no clear marketing regulation, the concept of «approach» can be considered in different ways. Someone believes that the traditional and digital approach begin to diverge already at the stage of product design, someone believes that the marketing mix also depends on the choice of direction. Previously, we have already considered the basics of building marketing in business and for further study, we will mean by marketing directions a difference in the approach to product promotion. Let’s look at the main marketing methods in each of these areas and their initial goals.

Traditional marketing

First of all, let’s formulate the concept. Traditional marketing is understood as an approach to the promotion of goods and services without the use of Internet technologies. It consists in using various traditional methods and communication channels to attract the attention of the target audience and promote the product on the market.

The goal of any marketing direction (both traditional and digital) is to increase brand awareness, create a positive image and stimulate sales. To evaluate the effectiveness of the method and understand whether the organization was able to achieve its goal, it is enough to understand whether potential customers were found, whether contact was established with them, whether they were influenced to create demand for a product or service.

Let’s move on to the main difference – advertising strategies. Since this approach is the earliest, traditional methods of information are used here, relevant even before the advent of the information society.

Handout material

This method involves distributing printed materials (in most cases) brochures, flyers, flyers and other materials with information about a product or service on the streets, in shops, at events, etc. Handouts usually contain visual elements and information that will interest potential customers. A separate degree of art in this case is to create a design and text that should accurately attract the consumer. A person should pay attention to the leaflet, read it and save it in order to use it, and not throw it into the nearest trash can.

Regarding the effectiveness of such advertising, we can say that it covers a small number of people, but the advantage is to reach exactly those who suit us geographically.



Billboards are located along highways and major roads, and play an important role in promoting the brand. They not only display ads, but also represent the company through graphics and visual effects. However, the most important thing is the opportunity to give drivers a short but memorable message with supporting text.


Mailing list

Sending promotional materials and offers to the mailing addresses of potential customers during the period of communication by mail would seem commonplace. However, nowadays, when few people even check their mailboxes in the house, it would be a surprise and aroused interest to find a letter there, so this method can play a special role in promoting the company these days. Direct mail can be sent to people who have expressed interest in the company or its products. Another alternative is to send direct mail products to people living near the company.

Print advertising

This method of traditional marketing includes advertising in newspapers, magazines and other print media. It is difficult to assess the relevance of this method, because in addition to the fact that a very small circle of people is being captured, advertising should be visible and attract attention among the total volume of text.

Promotional events

This method consists of organizing and conducting special events to attract attention to a product or service. It can be a conference, an exhibition, or an event sponsorship. Marketing of promotional events helps to create direct contact with the consumer and demonstrate the benefits of a product or service at the first stage of acquaintance. A lot of high-quality training is required, as it is important to make a good impression.



Broadcasting includes the placement of advertising materials on television and radio. Radio and television advertising are a great way to create awareness about your business both locally and nationally. You can create and broadcast advertisements that will capture the attention of listeners and viewers interest them and encourage them to further get to know the company.

Cold calls

Cold calls are unsolicited calls to potential customers in order to offer a product or service. Currently, this tradition has been preserved in many companies, and some large ones continue to increase their call center. It is also difficult to judge the effectiveness of such marketing, for sure, everyone has received a call at least once with an offer to issue a bank card or a new mobile operator service. I would like to say that it can be difficult to implement good advertising in this way, often people can end the call without even listening to the sentence and the specialist needs to be able to keep and interest the consumer before he clicks on the «Finish» button. On the other hand, this is the only traditional marketing method that allows you to establish a personal connection with the audience.

Product placement

Product placement is a type of advertising in which a company actively promotes its product or brand through television shows, movies, or other media. The main goal is to establish an unconscious connection between the product and the entertainment content that will attract the eyes and keep the product in the mind of a potential customer. This type of advertising is also known as embedded marketing, brand integration, or branded entertainment.

We have considered some and, perhaps, the main ways to integrate traditional marketing, based on this, you can get an idea of the cost for using such a direction. Of course, the price will vary depending on a number of factors, but we can definitely say that such marketing does not come cheap.

Traditional marketing involves the creation and printing of physical materials, such costs can be quite high, especially if you need to create a large volume of materials or use expensive media channels such as television or radio.

It is also no secret that prices for advertising spaces in media channels can be high, especially in popular time slots or in well-known publications. This can significantly increase the cost of a marketing campaign.

Can traditional marketing be considered effectively? Yes, but not for everyone, which is why there are several methods for choosing the parameters and goals of your organization. The effectiveness of traditional marketing can be difficult to measure and control. In some cases, the results may be unclear and it is difficult to determine which methods or channels of communication actually contribute to increasing sales. In addition, traditional marketing often requires large financial investments.

However, traditional marketing still plays an important role in promoting products and services. It helps companies reach potential customers, establish contacts and increase brand awareness, especially in the case of a target audience that prefers traditional communication channels. However, it is worth noting that in recent years the effectiveness of the approach has been decreasing as consumer behavior and media consumption habits change.

Digital Marketing

The visible shortcomings of traditional marketing contributed to the fact that there was a need to create a new improved direction that could solve the problems of the past. With the advent and spread of the Internet, mobile devices and social networks, the idea arose to use new tools to promote goods and services in this area, as modern consumers spend more and more time in an online environment and prefer to receive information and make purchases over the Internet.

Digital marketing is a strategy for promoting goods or services in an online environment using various digital communication channels. The direction is becoming more and more popular and in demand in modern business, as it allows you to effectively use the Internet to achieve marketing goals.

Consider advertising strategies that allow companies to use digital marketing to effectively interact with potential customers, analyze their behavior, improve product quality and manage the company’s online image.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

This process involves improving the visibility of the website in search engines such as Google, Yandex, Bing, etc. The goal of SEO is to attract organic traffic, that is, people who prefer to use search engines to find information and products. SEO includes content optimization, site technical settings, creation of high-quality external links and other measures to improve the site’s position in search results.


Contextual advertising

The method carries out advertising that is displayed on websites and in search engines in accordance with the keywords or interests of users. Contextual advertising can be displayed in the form of banners, text ads, promotional videos and other formats. It allows companies to reach their target audience and attract customers who are already interested in their products or services.

Has it happened to you that the browser itself offers products or services that are interesting to you? This is exactly how such advertising works. With the help of cookies, websites are able to store personal information about what you were looking for and, based on this, suggest other promotional offers.

Social network

Facebook, Instagram and other platforms provide an opportunity for companies to interact with potential customers and create a community around their brand. Digital social media marketing includes creating and publishing engaging content, managing groups and pages, engaging users, launching advertising campaigns, and analyzing results.

Nowadays, the most relevant platform is Telegram, where a brand can create a so-called channel and publish product information, receive feedback from customers.

Email marketing

This is a way to communicate directly with customers via email. Email marketing includes the creation and sending of personalized emails, newsletters and promotions, and automatic messages after purchase or registration. Such marketing can be convenient for the client in terms of the fact that at any time the user can unsubscribe from mailing lists and no longer receive brand promotional emails to his mailing address.

Affiliate Marketing

The process of attracting partners (affiliates) who will promote your product or service in return for commissions. Affiliates can be bloggers, website owners, or influencers who have an audience and are willing to create content related to your brand, participate in advertising campaigns, or publish product reviews. With this method, a barter relationship can be considered, when the partner receives the product itself or the service provided for assistance in promoting the product.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is the use of mobile devices and applications to attract and retain users. The method may include the creation of mobile-optimized websites, application development, SMS mailing lists, mobile advertising and other mobile strategies.

Each of these digital marketing methods has its advantages and can be effective in achieving the company’s advertising goals. It is important to choose the right tools and combine different methods to achieve optimal results.

The price of digital marketing services can be different, depending on the experience and qualifications of the specialist, the cost of the tools used and the duration of the marketing campaign.

Regarding the costs of digital marketing methods, we can say that by choosing global promotion methods, such as creating a website or mobile application, the price for the service can be very high. If we talk about advertising banners on the site and search engine optimization, experts say that the cost of such services is several times less than the cost of traditional marketing methods. For example, the average price for SEO promotion indicated on the websites of marketing agencies is about 20,000 rubles.

Digital marketing is considered one of the most effective ways to promote products and services because it allows you to reach a wide audience through various platforms and channels such as search engines, social media, email, etc. It is important to consider that the effectiveness of digital marketing may depend on the industry and the business model of the company.

Advantages and disadvantages of traditional and digital marketing

As we could already understand, the methods are radically different from each other. Despite the technological and information development of the current society, it cannot be said that every business uses a digital approach. Both methods are still relevant and it is impossible to identify a clear winner in popularity in this struggle. This is due to the fact that each method has its own distinctive advantages and disadvantages. We will compare the marketing directions according to certain characteristics.

Regarding the territorial coverage, advertising with the help of printed products can inform a certain territorial circle of people, while Internet advertising is taken away by users of all countries at least. Is it bad? No In this case, the choice of method depends on the goals of the company. If we are talking about an enterprise whose business does not depend on the geographical location of the client (an online business, a store with delivery to all points of the country), when choosing a traditional form, you will have to design banners in every city of the country. In this case, it is worth giving preference to the digital direction.

By scale, traditional marketing is usually aimed at wide audience through traditional communication channels. Digital marketing allows you to reach a narrower and more targeted audience through the Internet and social networks. When handing a leaflet to a person, I can’t be sure for sure whether they are interested in my product or not, the probability of getting here is 50-50. In the digital sphere, with the help of cookies, which we mentioned earlier, it is possible to offer a product specifically to someone who, according to the analysis, will be interested. Regarding this, it can be concluded that the effectiveness of the digital method is greater, since the result of the traditional approach cannot be predicted.

The audience we want to influence may be different and each direction is able to capture any age of the consumer, but mostly traditional marketing benefits those consumers who do not spend time on computers or smartphones. The older generation is still in the process of adopting innovative technologies and it is much easier to influence them using the classical method. At the same time, the new marketing approach is easier to reach a younger audience. Young people often access the Internet and a messenger in order to respond to messages, do daily chores, just spend time, and at these moments advertising promotion in digital marketing is already taking place.

Speaking about the level of trust, notes that in traditional marketing, audience trust can arise as a result of a long and well-established experience with a particular brand or product. For example, a long time in the market, high-quality service and positive customer feedback can be the basis for establishing trust in the company. Relative to the analogue, the audience’s trust is formed through other factors. Transparency, quality of content and customer interaction is important components here.

Interactivity: Traditional marketing is based on the use of traditional communication channels and in this type of marketing, interaction with the client is limited and passive. Most information is transmitted unilaterally from the company to the consumer, and customers have little opportunity to participate or influence the marketing process. On the other hand, digital marketing uses interactive communication channels such as websites, social networks, email, mobile applications, etc. These channels allow companies to interact with customers more actively and directly. Clients have the opportunity to leave comments, ask questions, share their opinions and experiences, as well as participate in discussions or surveys. Digital marketing allows companies to receive almost real-time customer feedback and adapt their marketing strategies based on this information.

Also, interactivity in digital marketing is manifested in the ability to personalize outgoing content for each client. Companies can use data about their customers collected through analytical tools and technologies to provide personalized information, recommendations and suggestions. In this way, customers receive more personalized content offered, which increases the likelihood of their engagement and response.

Also, one of the differences is the cost of advertising. Traditional marketing often requires significant financial investments in the production of advertising materials and their placement, for example, on television or radio. This can be expensive, especially for companies with limited budgets. In addition, traditional marketing usually requires paying a fixed amount for each display or placement of an advertisement, which can also be financially costly. Digital marketing, as a rule, requires lower advertising costs. Here, advertising rates can be more flexible, based on performance or conversion rates (I pay not for the impression, but for the person who sees it). Companies can optimize their advertising campaigns and implement strategies with high returns, without large initial investments.

Traditional marketing refers to methods of engagement in an offline environment that provide tangibility in the sense that potential customers can see, listen, read or touch materials related to a product or service. Digital marketing, unlike traditional marketing, does not provide direct tangibility, since potential customers cannot physically interact with materials or advertising.

Speaking of terms of work, the terms of traditional marketing are usually longer. For example, the creation of an advertising campaign in print media can take several weeks: coordination with the magazine, preparation of materials and their printing. Also, outdoor advertising may require some time to prepare and install billboards or billboards.

At the same time, digital marketing has shorter lead times. The creation and launch of online advertising or e-mail newsletters can be carried out within a few days or even hours. Here, digital marketing has the advantage of quick implementation.

In the case of a traditional form, correcting information can be a difficult and costly task, since the materials have already been printed or recorded. In contrast, digital marketing offers much more flexibility in correcting information. With the help of digital communication channels such as websites, social networks, companies can change, update and adjust their marketing materials in real time. Online advertising makes it possible to instantly respond to changes in trends and customer needs. This allows companies to quickly make changes to information about their products and services, as well as adapt their marketing messages to different segments of consumers.

One of the advantages of traditional marketing is to use methods that people are already familiar with. Traditional advertising methods, such as television and radio advertising, print ads and others, have been used for a long time and may be more noticeable and memorable for the target audience in comparison with new Internet technologies.

Traditional and digital marketing use different methods and channels to measure the results of their campaigns. In traditional marketing, the main methods of measuring results include the use of questionnaires, TV and radio advertising views, print circulation and direct sales. These methods are not always able to accurately measure ROI (return on investment) and determine the exact contribution of each marketing channel.

Digital marketing provides more opportunities to accurately measure results. It allows you to use analytical tools such as Google Analytics or Yandex Metrika to track visitors, their behavior, conversions and customer engagement. These tools provide detailed reports with metrics such as views; clicks, conversions, and revenue that help determine the effectiveness of various marketing channels and campaigns. They can also provide information about the demographic audience and their preferences, which helps in fine-tuning marketing strategies.

Thus, unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing provides more accurate and detailed data to measure results. It allows marketers to make informed decisions based on real data and customize marketing strategies to meet the requirements of their target audience.


Traditional and digital marketing are two completely different approaches to promoting a product, service or brand. At a minimum, traditional marketing uses traditional media channels such as television, radio, print media, and billboards, while digital uses digital channels such as email, social media, search engines, and mobile apps.

If you sum up the result regarding the cost of approaches, digital marketing will cost the company much cheaper, which is good, but not the main characteristic.

Yes, digital marketing has a number of advantages. It will allow you to accurately direct advertising to a specific target consumer and ensure direct contact with the audience. But if the company does not need it?

Traditional marketing can play with an audience with completely different advantages. For example, reaching more people in a certain area – if I want as many people as possible to come to the opening of my store, do I need to launch digital advertising that a user will see from anywhere in the world, or would it be more effective to inform using banners in the city?

The digital era does not mean the end for traditional marketing, but rather its transformation. Although many people think that cold calls are outdated, in fact they remain an effective way to attract new customers and finance projects. Times change, but traditions remain, and companies focused on traditional marketing continue to thrive and achieve success. Do not forget that effective marketing is a combination of different methods, and traditional approaches are not inferior to their digital counterparts.

In general, the effectiveness of methods for promoting a product, service, or brand depends on business goals, target audience, and budget. Currently, many companies use a combination of digital and traditional marketing to increase the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns and reach their target audience.

Библиографический список

1) Digital marketing versus traditional marketing: which is better in terms of return on investment? [Electronic resource]//Marketing OES. – Access mode: https://o-es.ru/blog/tsifrovoj-marketing-protiv-traditsionnogo-chto-luchshe-s-tochki-zreniya-okupaemosti-investitsij/
2) Bykova N.V., Kisula V.V., Konev P.A., Nikitina T.E., Novak L.V. M25 Marketing [Electronic resource]: textbook. – Electronic publishing house – Electron. text data. (1 pdf file: 294 p.). – Nizhny Novgorod: NOO "Professional Science", 2018. – Access mode http://lib.tau-edu.kz/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Быкова-Н.В.-Маркетинг.pdf
3) Neil Patel The 4 Ps of Marketing: Demystifying the Marketing Mix / Neil Patel [Electronic resource] // NEILPATEL: [website]. — URL: https://neilpatel.com/blog/4-ps-of-marketing/
4) Tsakhaev R.K., Murtuzalieva T.V., Aliyev S.A. Ts24 Fundamentals of marketing: Textbook / R.K. Tsakhaev, T.V. Murtuzalieva, S.A.Aliyev. — M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2005. — 448 p
5) Emmanuel Akinola TRADITIONAL MARKETING: Definition, Types & Differences / Emmanuel Akinola [Electronic resource] // businessyield: [website]. — URL: https://businessyield.com/marketing/traditional-marketing/
6) Difference Between Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing / [Electronic resource] // geeksforgeeks: [website]. — URL: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/difference-between-traditional-marketing-and-digital-marketing/